Sunday, April 3, 2011

March Social Evening

Unfortunately your erstwhile blogger was unable to attend the March Social Evening on Tuesday 29th as my company sent me off to Las Vegas on business - shame.

However, Bill McReady (DAM Secretary) reported a good turn out for the presentation by Reevu Helmets (Mac Francis & Dave). The presentation went down well with a few questions asked from the members with the opportunity to try the helmets on.

From Reevu's website:

When you wear a Reevu Motorbike helmet your view of the road ahead is not affected in any way. The view behind, however, is so dramatically transformed – you can see the road behind you with your peripheral vision.

Our customers have commented that after a short period of time, you are able to maintain awareness of the road ahead and behind without making a conscious effort. This means no more shaky steering when you are looking over your shoulder and no loss of vision of the road ahead when you are looking behind you!

Quite simply, Reevu Motorcycle helmets will transform your motorcycling experience. We still, however, encourage motorcyclists to make that all-important check over their shoulders before making any manoeuvres.

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