Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blind Driving!

DAM has in the past discussed helping with the Guide Dog's Blind Drive event.  
We have been asked to help them promote this years' event:

Blind Drive Racing to Success   
Imagine the thrill of putting your foot down and burning up a deserted test track with no risk of a speeding ticket!   And all in a good cause.

‘Joy Riding’ will take on a whole new meaning for participants in the 6th Guide Dog’s Blind Drive Challenge at Nissan Sunderland on Sunday 26th June.  Visually impaired drivers will get to ‘burn up’ the Nissan test track with the patient help of BSM instructors in their dual control cars. Their sighted counterparts can do the same but must be blindfold! In previous years visually impaired participants have reached speeds of over 90mph at this unique event that gives people who are blind or partially sighted the chance to drive again or even for the first time.

Participants will also have the opportunity to be driven around a heart stopping course in rally cars provided and driven by Innovation Motor Sport drivers., if they raise over £250.

Participants are asked to raise a minimum of £50 sponsorship.

The event, which is open to anyone over the age of 14 on Sunday 26th June 2011, aims to build on the success of previous challenges and raise £14000 in sponsorship.
Louise Parker, Local Fundraising Co-ordinator for Guide Dogs in Teesside & North Yorkshire says, “This is a unique and exciting event which is a fantastic experience for both visually impaired and sighted participants. Guide Dogs receives no funding other than that provided by donations and legacies so every penny raised is vital in maintaining the independence and confidence a guide dog affords their visually impaired owner.”

Book a place for this exciting and unique event by calling the Leeds Fundraising Office on 0870 600 2323 or at caroline.kirby@guidedogs.org.uk

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