Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Egg Run 2011

The 2011 Easter Egg Run was graced with perfect sunshine and a very high turn out at the Carville start point.

As in previous years, DAM Observers provided a rolling route marshaling service to compliment the bike sections from both Durham and Cleveland.

DAM also had a presence at the start/signing on point and at the conclusion of th ride at Aykley Heads Police HQ - as ever taking the opportunity to put across our message of advanced riding and the benefits to all riders.

The total turnout for the ride out hasn't yet been tallied up, but the numbers were high enough to necessitate "bunching stops" on the A167 at a number of strategic points.

The Police riders and DAM Marshalls did a sterling job of keeping the ride together and moving freely, thanks from everyone for the job that our Marshalls did, and thanks to Durham Police for organising another fantastic biking day!

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