Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Club Night

A good turn out of members made it to The Bowburn Hall Hotel on Tuesday 25th January for the first club night of the new year.

Secretary Bill McCready wished all members a Happy New Year and reminded all members that for those who want to, a check ride is available to all members - no matter how long it is since you passed your test!  For members who have been off the road for the winter this is an idea way of starting your 2011 riding - please contact any of the Observers or Committee to make an arrangement.

Your esteemed (and modest) Blogger then introduced the attending members the new, revamped, website and this blog - as your reading this I don't need to repeat myself!

Member Eric Coombes then engaged the members in a 25 question quiz on the history of British motorcycles, many members pleaded they were too young to know any of the answers - yet managed to answer a suspiciously high number of the questions!

The more mature members failed to score additional points by proclaiming that "they couldn't remember the answer but used to have one of those!".

Eric's twist was to build the answers to the quiz questions into an informative and detailed talk on the British bike history based loosely around the 25 answers.  A very entertaining format.

  A big thank you to Eric for his efforts in compiling the quiz and follow on talk.

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