Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome to the DAM Blog.

Welcome to the new DAM blog.

You will have noticed that the DAM website has undergone a revamp, courtesy of Peter Holley, our long suffering webmaster.

Part of this web overhaul is the starting of the DAM blog to replace the current printed newsletter, hence what you are reading now!

Why replace the current newsletter?
The production of the DAM newsletter has been a long standing trial, collating sufficient material to populate a substantial printed newsletter is a constant problem.  In the modern web based communication world, the lead time between completing the content and it reaching member's hands is too long!

What difference will the blog make?
After each meeting, or run, feedback, photos and news can be posted almost immediately.  Also upcoming events can be communicated to members in a timely manner - something that we struggled to do through the newsletter format!

So here I am in January, considering what the year ahead holds.
The DAM calendar will be published very soon, allowing us all to plan our social life around the planned runs and social events; Bikewise & Ridewell events will also need to be planned in.

For those of you who haven't visited Ridewell (the Cleveland Motorcycle and Bicycle road safety show) event, it's worth taking the time to visit and sign up for the observed ride scheme - a 45 ride out followed by a serving police officer from one of the supporting forces.  At the end of the ride out you'll get your feedback and a point score for the ride.

And what do points make?  Prizes!

The Gold Helmet prize for the best observed ride was won in 2010 by myself!
For those who are sniggering at the helmet trophy, consider that it was accompanied by a bag of goodies including a new Roof Helmet, Kriega Rucksack and other goodies!

So advanced riding can lead to rewards beyond your wildest dreams!

Could this be the pinnacle of my advanced riding career?  Well, no, it shouldn't be, as any sensible rider will know, improving your riding should be an ongoing exercise.
For my ongoing training this year, I'm going to try a training course by i2i training:
It should make a good article for a future blog!

1 comment:

  1. Well I think it's a lovely helmet and any 'sniggerer's are only jealous !!
    Well done Richard - well deserved and I'm 'over the moon' that a DAM member won the observed ride at Ridewell :-)

