Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Time Abroad on 2 wheels - Paul Dowson.

This all came about from going to Bikewise last year were I was invited to go out with Honda Club [Northumbria Branch], which I joined after a great day out with them. Over the months after joining, the club was always e-mailing it’s members what was coming up in the weeks ahead, one night I informed my wife [Christine] there was a trip to Austria for 10 days. After contacting the secretary for further information, we were booked up and the trip was on.

Having never travel aboard by bike before I was given a list of what we must carry, ie; Hi-Vis vest, First Aid Kit [not old tobacco tin with a couple plasters in], puncture kit, gas cylinders, spare bulb’s, cable ties, tape, GB sticker.

After sorting out what we needed, the day soon came around and the bike was packed, the plan was to meet the other 4 members at Scotch Corner Services, [nobody mention it was going to rain all the way there], we travelled to Hull were we picked up another member then on to the overnight ferry to Zebrugge.

On arrival in Belgium the next day after getting through passport control the plan was, we will travel through  Belgium, Luxembourg, then to Germany, stopping every 70 -80 miles for a comfort break, and stopping overnight in Saarbrucken. 268miles

The next day we left Saarbrucken and on to Austria [Tirol] 348 miles, with plenty of comfort breaks, to our hotel, for 5 nights, it was the most easiest riding we have ever experienced, the miles just flew by.

On arrival we were greeted with tea, coffee and cakes, the rooms were great all had balconies.

Over the next 4 days the plan was to ride 20 of the highest pass’s, riding any were from 140-190 miles a day, not before having a good  breakfast, on our return each day there was tea, coffee, and cakes, then later a 4 course dinner.

We set of about 9am each morning, over the 4 days we were there we rode the following pass’s; Fernpass, Mitterburg, Reischenpass, Kauneltal Glacier, Pillar, Stelvio, Offenpass, Lingo, Guarda Kuhtrai, Brenner, Penserjoch, Giovo, Jaufenpass,  Timesjoch del Rombo,  Hobemut, Kogel, Hantenjoch, Zuger, Hochlight, Hochtannberpass, Furkajock, Sivretth, Hoherad, Paznautal.

Our return trip was the same route as we came, the weather was sunny, warm, rainy sometimes, roads were so smooth, and around every corner there was a different view, and we had good company, and the hotel was great. 

We can’t wait to go back!

Total miles cover from leavening home 2150.

Paul Dowson      October 1-10 2010

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