Monday, January 31, 2011

Belated Congratulations!

Belated congratulations to the latest DAM Associates to pass their IAM Advanced Test.

Here are Alan Hill & Alison Carss with their certificates at the October social night.

The weather has caused a "quiet" period in observed rides and tests since November, but I am the pace will pick up again soon!

See the cogs turning!

If you put your ear to the screen you can hear the cogs turning as members ponder the answers to the questions set by Eric at the January social night!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Club Night

A good turn out of members made it to The Bowburn Hall Hotel on Tuesday 25th January for the first club night of the new year.

Secretary Bill McCready wished all members a Happy New Year and reminded all members that for those who want to, a check ride is available to all members - no matter how long it is since you passed your test!  For members who have been off the road for the winter this is an idea way of starting your 2011 riding - please contact any of the Observers or Committee to make an arrangement.

Your esteemed (and modest) Blogger then introduced the attending members the new, revamped, website and this blog - as your reading this I don't need to repeat myself!

Member Eric Coombes then engaged the members in a 25 question quiz on the history of British motorcycles, many members pleaded they were too young to know any of the answers - yet managed to answer a suspiciously high number of the questions!

The more mature members failed to score additional points by proclaiming that "they couldn't remember the answer but used to have one of those!".

Eric's twist was to build the answers to the quiz questions into an informative and detailed talk on the British bike history based loosely around the 25 answers.  A very entertaining format.

  A big thank you to Eric for his efforts in compiling the quiz and follow on talk.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Time Abroad on 2 wheels - Paul Dowson.

This all came about from going to Bikewise last year were I was invited to go out with Honda Club [Northumbria Branch], which I joined after a great day out with them. Over the months after joining, the club was always e-mailing it’s members what was coming up in the weeks ahead, one night I informed my wife [Christine] there was a trip to Austria for 10 days. After contacting the secretary for further information, we were booked up and the trip was on.

Having never travel aboard by bike before I was given a list of what we must carry, ie; Hi-Vis vest, First Aid Kit [not old tobacco tin with a couple plasters in], puncture kit, gas cylinders, spare bulb’s, cable ties, tape, GB sticker.

After sorting out what we needed, the day soon came around and the bike was packed, the plan was to meet the other 4 members at Scotch Corner Services, [nobody mention it was going to rain all the way there], we travelled to Hull were we picked up another member then on to the overnight ferry to Zebrugge.

On arrival in Belgium the next day after getting through passport control the plan was, we will travel through  Belgium, Luxembourg, then to Germany, stopping every 70 -80 miles for a comfort break, and stopping overnight in Saarbrucken. 268miles

The next day we left Saarbrucken and on to Austria [Tirol] 348 miles, with plenty of comfort breaks, to our hotel, for 5 nights, it was the most easiest riding we have ever experienced, the miles just flew by.

On arrival we were greeted with tea, coffee and cakes, the rooms were great all had balconies.

Over the next 4 days the plan was to ride 20 of the highest pass’s, riding any were from 140-190 miles a day, not before having a good  breakfast, on our return each day there was tea, coffee, and cakes, then later a 4 course dinner.

We set of about 9am each morning, over the 4 days we were there we rode the following pass’s; Fernpass, Mitterburg, Reischenpass, Kauneltal Glacier, Pillar, Stelvio, Offenpass, Lingo, Guarda Kuhtrai, Brenner, Penserjoch, Giovo, Jaufenpass,  Timesjoch del Rombo,  Hobemut, Kogel, Hantenjoch, Zuger, Hochlight, Hochtannberpass, Furkajock, Sivretth, Hoherad, Paznautal.

Our return trip was the same route as we came, the weather was sunny, warm, rainy sometimes, roads were so smooth, and around every corner there was a different view, and we had good company, and the hotel was great. 

We can’t wait to go back!

Total miles cover from leavening home 2150.

Paul Dowson      October 1-10 2010

Welcome to the DAM Blog.

Welcome to the new DAM blog.

You will have noticed that the DAM website has undergone a revamp, courtesy of Peter Holley, our long suffering webmaster.

Part of this web overhaul is the starting of the DAM blog to replace the current printed newsletter, hence what you are reading now!

Why replace the current newsletter?
The production of the DAM newsletter has been a long standing trial, collating sufficient material to populate a substantial printed newsletter is a constant problem.  In the modern web based communication world, the lead time between completing the content and it reaching member's hands is too long!

What difference will the blog make?
After each meeting, or run, feedback, photos and news can be posted almost immediately.  Also upcoming events can be communicated to members in a timely manner - something that we struggled to do through the newsletter format!

So here I am in January, considering what the year ahead holds.
The DAM calendar will be published very soon, allowing us all to plan our social life around the planned runs and social events; Bikewise & Ridewell events will also need to be planned in.

For those of you who haven't visited Ridewell (the Cleveland Motorcycle and Bicycle road safety show) event, it's worth taking the time to visit and sign up for the observed ride scheme - a 45 ride out followed by a serving police officer from one of the supporting forces.  At the end of the ride out you'll get your feedback and a point score for the ride.

And what do points make?  Prizes!

The Gold Helmet prize for the best observed ride was won in 2010 by myself!
For those who are sniggering at the helmet trophy, consider that it was accompanied by a bag of goodies including a new Roof Helmet, Kriega Rucksack and other goodies!

So advanced riding can lead to rewards beyond your wildest dreams!

Could this be the pinnacle of my advanced riding career?  Well, no, it shouldn't be, as any sensible rider will know, improving your riding should be an ongoing exercise.
For my ongoing training this year, I'm going to try a training course by i2i training:
It should make a good article for a future blog!
