Monday, December 10, 2012

Someone's Son & Operation Achilles

 Someone's Son is a campaign in the Yorkshire & Humberside area to promote the "humanisation" of riders and educate both the riders and drivers.  There are some simple, but powerful, messages delivered in their material.  Have a look at

Within this area, the local Police have also been running a high profile enforcement campaign called Operation Achilles, involving the high profile policing of popular bike routes with both marked and unmarked vehicles.  In the words for Chief Inspector Mike Dring of Humberside Police 
"This reduced KSI’s by 37% over 2 years and continues to attract the attention of the motorcycling community throughout the Yorkshire region. They know about it, they don't like it but it does impact on rider behaviour as a result of its existence."

Are these two opposite approaches to the same problem?  
Probably not, the Someone's Son approach is very much aimed at vehicle to vehicle incidents, whereas the Achilles approach is targeting high speed and inappropriate riding on the rural roads of East Yorkshire.

The interesting issue for us as Advanced Riders is the subtly different approaches taken by many of the forces across the country, all trying to achieve the same aim (either by carrot or stick) of reduced 2 wheel KSI's.

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