Monday, December 3, 2012

DAM 2012 AGM

An excellent turnout of members old and new were in attendance at the Bowburn Hall hotel on Tuesday 27th November for the DAM Annual General Meeting.

DAM took the opportunity of the AGM to present a cheque to the Great North Air Ambulance for £900 collected by members over the past couple of years.  Kirsty Harris-Parker (the DAM Charity co-ordinator) was persuaded to stand in front of the camera and have her picture taken with Sharon from GNAA.

Sharon thanked the DAM membership for the donation, confirming that the money would directly help fund the GNAA operations.

Whilst DAM were in a giving mood, we confirmed again in 2012 our support to the Bikewise Minibike Club by making a modest £150 donation to assist with the running of the club rounds.
Bob Brown happily accepted the cheque from Richard Clement.

The meeting then proceeded with the constructional matters for the year, the committee being largely unchanged for the coming year.  On notable exception is the retirement from Observation and Committee Membership by Pat Young.  Pat was one of the founding members of DAM and has been a long term Observer.  In recognition of his efforts, DAM presented Pat with a small thank you gift and wished him well for the future.

During the reports to the membership, Durham Police confirmed their continued (and much appreciated) support to DAM with a cheque for £500 from the Bikewise funds.  This financial donation goes a long way towards DAM keeping the membership fees low and enabling us to continue with our training and social activities.

DAM Treasurer, Don Russell, very gratefully accepted the donation from Ali Bonar.

DAM Committee was pleased to report to the membership a total of 23 new associates joining so far this year and a 100% test pass rate (again), with 22 associates passing their tests this year.

During the AGM membership certificates were presented by Tony Richmond to Dave Burns, Tony Martin, Keith Lippett, Adam Moss and Charlie Dickinson.

During the presentations from Committee Officers, Durham Police and Bob Brown (as our IAM Examiner) all speakers thanked all of the Committee and DAM Members for their efforts throughout the year.

The committee would also like to invite suggestions from the members for the charity that DAM should support over the next year or two.  If you have any suggestions, please let any of the committee know so that we can consider the nominations in the new year.

Thanks to all involved in DAM for another very successful year, happy holidays!! 

1 comment:

  1. Many Thanks to DAM for the donation to the Mini Bike Club. Much appreciated and will be used wisely.

