Wednesday, July 3, 2013

BikeWise does BikeSafe

The BikeWise Training scheme in County Durham has changed this year to run the BikeSafe format of training.

BikeWise say:

"Since its inception in 1995, the BikeWise approach to reducing the risks that motorcyclists are exposed to has hinged upon Durham Police Motorcyclists engaging with riders on our roads.

Our success over the years resulted in BikeWise as a casualty reduction strategy being awarded the Highways Magazine Excellence Award, as Road safety Scheme of the year in 2008. This was followed up in 2009 when BikeWise was awarded the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award.

Since it started in 2008 until the end of 2012 BikeWise Training was delivered to approximately 500 riders by ex -Durham motorcycle officers Bob Brown and Mick Alder.
Many of these riders went on to gain IAM and RoADAR qualifications.
From 2013 officers from Durham Constabulary Motorcycle Section will be providing BikeSafe skills workshops on a number of days throughout the year.

BikeSafe is a national police led motorcycle project that is run by most forces throughout the UK. The main aim is to reduce motorcycle related road casualties and by improving skills, knowledge and hazard awareness it will hopefully make riding safer and more enjoyable.

The BikeSafe workshop explores the main issues facing today’s bikers. It also explores the principles of advanced riding through the on-road element. The BikeSafe observer  will give assessment and feedback which will highlight areas where the rider needs to develop. BikeSafe is about starting on the right path to development as it "Bridges the Gap".

Riders will benefit by continuing to train throughout their riding years, and not just stop once they have passed their bike test. During your workshop you will either be provided with the information to make contact with providers of advanced motorcycle training, or get the opportunity to speak to somebody in person at the event from Durham Advanced Motorcyclists.

We are pleased to report that the first Durham Bikesafe workshop took place at BikeWise HQ on Saturday 15th June 2013. Ten riders took part in the event and initial feedback has been very positive."

DAM attended the first of these training days and spoke directly to the attendees to encourage them to progress from the BikeSafe experience on to the IAM Skill for Life Programme with DAM.

The response has been excellent, and DAM will continue to attend the events and promote our approach to safer riding.

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