Monday, July 23, 2012

Rod's Ride Out. 24th July.

Hi folks, not a bad turn out on Sunday 24th, eighteen in total. 

At my suggestion of Kendal there was some dismay, but I took the old dales adage "the wind'll keep the rain off", on this occasion it held true. 

We went out bound via Richmond, Redmire, Askrigg and stopped for coffee loos etc at Hardraw cafe, then on to Sedburgh. 

From there through to Kendal for lunch stop / walk about. 

After lunch the homeward leg took on the A685 to Tebay and Kirbey Stephen. From Kirby Stephen we went through Barras/Kaber turned right over the moors to Tan Hill, more coffee and loos, Phil and Dot muttered veiled threats if I hadn't have stopped! 

Last bit now to Reeth then left up over the moor road and down Sturdy House Lane to Ravensworth and on to Scotch Corner then split for home. 

Quite demanding riding at times on the exposed moorland sections, but then we are advanced riders TeeHee. See you all soon - Rod

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