Sunday, February 5, 2012

Support our sponsors please.

Those of you who have received your diaries from Bill, or have viewed the website front page recently, will have seen that yet again this year we have been supported by a number of local bike related businesses (in no particular order):

Alt-berg Bootmakers
Autoshield Protection
The Bayhorse Pub, Middridge
Hipkin & Co Solicitors
M&S Maotorcycles Ltd
MMT Motorcycles
Plugzz Custom Hearing Protection
2 Wheeled Solutions

We welcome feedback on these products & services offered by our sponsors and hope that you will support these businesses when you can.

Brian Walls has recently bought a pair of the new Roadrunner boots from Altberg which he brought along to the January meeting for any interested members to view.

What Altberg says about the Roadrunner:
Bootmakers Roadrunner Design Notes
It has been almost six years since I had designed a new motorcycle boot - so in 2009 I started to develop a new prototype. There were three areas which I wanted to improve...

Foot Entry..I wanted to make it possible for a wider range of foot types to get the boot on and off more easily but still keep the boot secure on the foot once it was on.

Leg adjustment..I wanted an adjustable leg that could be more easily adapted to a wider range of calf sizes.

Durability of the gear change patch..We had always used leather but I decided to invest in moulds to make our own rubber gear change reinforcement.

Brian hasn't had chance to assess the boots in anger as yet, but I'm sure that over the coming months he'll be quiet willing to provide an objective view of the new boots.
The initial impression of the the boots is that they're both well thought out and well made - a comment that tends to be applied to all of Altberg's products!

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