Saturday, December 10, 2011

DAM 2011 AGM

The DAM Annual General Meeting was a well attended event on 29th November at the Bowburn Hall Hotel.

The formalities (Committee officers reports, election of new officers etc) was carried out in good time enabling the members attending to avail themselves of the buffet and make the most of the socialising opportunity.

As in previous years, DAM has received financial support from Durham Police (this is in addition to the extensive support we receive for training & support) to the tune of a £500 donation from the BikeWise proceeds.

Here is a picture of Ali Bonar (again!) presenting the cheque to out very pleased treasurer, Don Russell.

DAM annual subscriptions remain at the current level (only £5.00 per year) the the welcome donation from BikeWise enables us to continue to keep the subs at this level whilst maintaining our high standards of social and training activities.

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