Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We're never too old to learn from our mistakes...

23 Bikes turned out on Tuesday 31st for a Chip Shop run out via the Dales to the Heighington Chippy.

Unfortunately, our drop off system let us down due to a number of issues, resulting in a number of splinter groups arriving at the chippy at staggered intervals!

The DAM Committee discussed the drop off problems at the June committee meeting and would like to stress the following points to our ride-out participants:

1. During the ride, try to keep the group compact, ride staggered to reduce the straggling of the group and close up into a stagger when stationary at lights and junctions.
2. Make progress (as the road conditions and your ability allows) to keep the whole group moving at a reasonable pace, if you fall behind the bike in front try and close up the gap quickly: a small break up of the group can soon break the group up significantly.
3. If the leader indicates a drop off marking position to you, take up that position and remain there until the tail end Charlie comes through.
4. If you're not confident to mark, allow people to overtake you within the group and drop back so your not the drop off bike.
5. If you cannot see the following bike, slow your pace to let the following bike close the gap - the only communication we have whilst the group is moving is by keeping each other in view.  Once bikes are out of sight, problems will develop.  If there is a problem at the rear of the group, this will soon be communicated to the leading bikes by this slowing of pace.
6. Before the off, make sure you know that you can recognise the tail end bike - don't be afraid to shout up if you're unsure.
7. If you're the ride leader, manage your speed (stop if necessary) to ensure you have the following bike always in view.  Make sure the tail end has a reasonable idea of the planned route so tail end can recover the route if anything does go wrong.
8. At roundabouts, take a safe, visible, marking position on the exit of the roundabout.

If we all follow the drop off guidelines, we should be able to hold good, progressive, ride outs that cater for members and associates of all abilities and confidence.  

We all have a part to play in ensuring the ride out is enjoyable for all participants; please help us make it so!

Whilst we're discussing mistakes, there's a miss-print in the DAM published diary.  The June ride out is on Tuesday 28th June, not Tues. 31st as published (whoops).  This ride out will be led by Ali Bonar, one of the Durham Police motorcycle riders, it'll be a good ride with a chance for us to see Ali in action on her new Ducati.

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