Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rideout report - 15th May.

The Rideout on 15th May was lead by Bill McReady, who valiantly stepped in to run the Rideout at the shortest of notice!  Bill also managed to co-opt a member of the Northern Pan Club who had missed his own Rideout group, so double thanks to Bill for that!

In Bill's words:
The group was made up of Larkman and his wife, Dave Meek, Colin Spencer, a non member Alex who was to ride out with the Northern Pan Club but he just missed them. I invited him to join us and he took the offer up although it was the first time we had met.

The Weather was overcast with a forecast of showers. We headed off to Leyburn by the back roads through Piercebridge,  through Richmond where the heavens opened for a short time. 

On reaching Leyburn the sun shone, with no coffee shops there our coffee and pee break was at Jeuveux Abbey coffee shop. I decided after consulting the Map to take the ride to How Stein Gorge.

Turning right just before Masham to Lofthouse on a winding single track road over moors and dales which gave good views as well as challenging riding eventually reaching our destination. After a lunch break we headed off to Pately Bridge, Masham over the dales on narrow roads. We finally headed to Bedale and joined the A1 where we finally disembarked at Scotch Corner Services.
They all said they enjoyed the ride which took them on roads that they had never been on before. Alex said he was interested in joining DAM so maybe something may have come from his experience with our rideout.
I apologise for not having any photo’s and I may have forgotten to include one or two people.

Thanks from DAM to Bill for stepping in at the last minute.

How Stein Gorge

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