Friday, April 18, 2014

Observers Meeting 16th April

The DAM Observers, Training Team, potential new Observers and other club officials got together at the A68 Cafe on Wednesday evening for an update on the latest IAM policies and to enable the club to pass on our thanks to all the volunteers for their efforts.

The efforts of all involved in the running of the club are what has enabled us to be regarded as one of the leading advanced riding groups in the country and recipiants of the IAM Motorcycle Group Award for 2013.

Thanks again to everyone!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A video to watch - spare 5mins for this.

Have a look at this YouTube video, think about the message that is being passed on to us as riders.

Then think about how much effort must have gone into standing in front of the camera to deliver the message and why he felt it was necessary to do this.

Made me think.

Mike was a well respected member of South Lancs Advanced Motorcyclists, so we're talking about a very experienced rider.
