Thursday, January 23, 2014

Advanced Driving Advertising

An interesting page of examples of advert styles for Advanced Driving, have a look and see what you think.

A bit of catching up to do..

quite a bit of catching up since the last blog entry - apologies for my tardiness!

The sad news that 2014 will not see the traditional Easter Egg run taking place, from the Bikewise website:

2014 marks a challenging new year for the bike sections of Durham Constabulary and Cleveland Police as our respective forces continue to face budget cuts and look to maintain front line policing services.

The sections are part of the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operation Unit and a comprehensive review of our work was undertaken last year which reported back to the executive teams of both forces.
The work was clearly valued as both forces recognised the importance of the teams and wished to retain a full time motorcycle capability, nevertheless in these difficult financial times the decision was made that five officers would be cut leaving a full time team of one sergeant and eight constables split between Spennymoor and Wynyard.
This clearly brings with it certain challenges, a need to re-focus upon our priorities and to be realistic about what we can and can't do with significantly fewer resources and a host of demands on the horizon.

In view of this we've taken the difficult decision that we will no longer be arranging the traditional Easter Egg Run.

Whatever we do however children will still be in hospital over the Easter holiday period, as such we will use money donated by you at BikeWise to buy Easter Eggs that we will deliver before Easter to the children's wards at Darlington Memorial Hospital and the University Hospital of North Durham.
On behalf of my team I would like to thank you for all your support and generosity at Easter Egg Runs in the past.
Over the years we have delivered hundreds of your donated eggs, you have raised thousands of pounds in support of the Meningitis Research Foundation and have acted as positive ambassadors for motorcycling more generally.

It remains a sad fact that motorcyclists remain extremely vulnerable when on the roads, tragically six riders lost their lives on the roads of County Durham and Darlington in 2013 . It remains a priority to do our utmost to minimise the number of motorcyclists killed or injured on our roads by positively engaging with and educating riders.
We will continue to show a high visibility presence on our popular biking routes and will engage positively with riders on our roads as we have done in previous years so don't be surprised if you are pulled over by a police bike for a chat where we'll highlight some of the issues that make us so vulnerable and suggest ways to improve your riding and to make you safer.

In addition we plan to continue organising one day 'BikeSafe' workshops with an observed ride in the second half of the day, we'll release dates as the year goes on so keep an eye on the website, Facebook and our Twitter feeds.

The BikeWise Mini Bike Club remains an important scheme offering youngsters a lawful opportunity to ride, it teaches them to respect rules and their machines, it sets them up for a lifetime of safe riding and continues to be well attended.  Events will continue to be held throughout the year so even if you don't partake by all means come along and show them some support!

That brings me to our twentieth BikeWise show.
It will be the last one held at our present headquarters complex before it's demolished and we're planning to hold it on Sunday the 20th July 2014, if we don't see you before we'll see you there !

On behalf of the BikeWise Team it remains for me to wish you and your families a safe healthy and prosperous 2014 , ride safe.

Sgt Iain Rodgers
Posted on 08 Jan 2014
