Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dates for your diary.

DAM AGM 2012

The Group’s Annual General Meeting will take place at The Bowburn Hall Hotel at 7.30pm on Tuesday 27th. November 2012. Associate members and guests are most welcome, but they will have to remember not to vote [only full members can vote].

Please come if you possibly can because:
     A Finger Buffet will be provided
     The business part will be short
     We need a quorum otherwise the group will grind to a halt
     We still need volunteers to help with the running of the group
     It is in yours and the clubs interest for you to attend

The rules demand that the AGM Is properly announced so here goes:

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Durham Advanced Motorcyclists will take place at The Bowburn Hall Hotel, at 7.30pm on Tuesday 27th. November 2012, by order of the committee. [signed] Bill McCready, Secretary

Perhaps you would like to serve on the committee, or you know someone who you think would help, whichever, please contact Bill for the necessary form fill it in, get it signed and return it to Bill by the 24th. November 2012.

Observer & Senior Observer Evening Meeting.

I would like to inform you that there will be an Observer & Senior Observer meeting at Aykley Heads on Tuesday 6th. November commencing 6.45pm. 

The agenda will consist of IAM observer presentation and updates from IAM presented by Tim Gorman.

The opportunity to air any grievances or differences that you may have. 
Please do your utmost to attend. 
Pie & Peas will be provided.

October Test Passes.

Congratulations to our latest full member, Dave Finlay who passed his test on Tuesday 16th October.  
Dave was Observed by Brian Clements, thanks as ever to the Observer & DAM Training Team.

Also, congratulations to Keith Lippett who passed his test on 9th October.
Keith was Observed by Dave Badcock.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Evaluating the advanced driving test.

The IAM hosted an exercise to evaluate the Skill for Life programme.

Attached here is the pdf report from that study.

SFL, Evaluating Advanced Driving
