Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DAM AGM - November 29th. Don't forget!

October social meeting.

A good turnout of members were present for the October social evening at the Bowburn Hall Hotel.

The presentation was given by PC Ali Bonar of the Durham Police Bike section.  Ali gave a multimedia presentation to the members present reinforcing the methods and benefits of advanced riding.

After a little bit of IT challenge, Ali was able to deliver a light hearted presentation using video shot by Durham Bike Section on the fantastic roads of the Durham Dales.

Ali educating the members on the finer points of some of our laws!

The presentation was followed by a "pop quiz" on road signage, road markings and some of the more obscure aspects of road law.

For example:
 - Are you able to overtake/filter on the approach to a crossing?
 - What does the law state regarding pillions on a motorcycle?

The light hearted banter continued through the discussions around the answers, including the opportunity to challenge Ali's answer to the question regarding the types of crossings that exist!  This was challenged by the members who had participated in last month's road trivia quiz which featured a question about the "Pegasus" equine crossing.

Thanks to Ali for giving her time to the club for this presentation and also all of the support work she and her colleagues in the Bike Section give to DAM. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Trophy!

Motorcycle Group Achievement Award
3rd. 2011

The award is presented to groups in recognition of their achievements in membership, success in the test and general group activities.

Congratulations to all of us!

The sticky fingerprints are courtesy of the celebratory chocolate biscuits at the committee meeting!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

DAM Achievements recognised by IAM

DAM's achievements in sucessfully bringing riders up to the required standard of the IAM Advanced standard has been recognised by the IAM.

DAM came third in the country (out of 70 groups) in the Group Achievement Awards!

At the IAM Motorcycle conference at Warwick University on Sunday 9th October DAM was represented by Brian Clements (Chair) and Bill McReady (Secretary), both were pleasantly surprised to receive this award and it came totally out of the blue. 

The photo is from the IAM website which shows Bill being presented with the trophy by Simon Best IAM Chief Executive, and Nicola from Adelaide Insurance. 

This award is a recognition of the hard work by all of our Members, Associates, Observers & Committee Members and we should all be rightfully proud of the Group's achievements!
