Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bill & Barbara go "abroad", without going "abroad"

A conversation with Bill & Barbara Blackedge during the New Year social threw up the subject of touring Northern Ireland, I've been thinking about NI in place of a trip to The Highlands and Bill & Barbara were enthuisastic about their experiences in the province.
They both kindly agreed to share some of their experiences of the trip through a wrote on our blog:

It was the year that the rain was so bad that one of the underpasses in Belfast filled up with water.  With such a wet summer as our backdrop we were off to spend a week in Northern Ireland and it was to be our first motorbike tour only a year after passing the DAS test.

We chose Northern Ireland because it was ‘abroad’ without being ‘abroad’.  Added to which, we had friends in Bangor, Co. Down and it was high time we popped in to see them.  We decided to stay three nights with them (Sat, Sun, Mon), two nights in the West and two nights in the North, leaving us well placed to return to Larne, just North of Belfast, our point of entry and exit and, handily on the famous A2 coast road.

Preparation was relatively easy but typically, the week before departure, a set of engine protector bars for Barbara’s bike arrived, having been on order for 6 months.  Fitting them was easy (except the bit where you need special socket bits to undo the BMW bolts) and after a night working in the garage the bars were on.  A quick test ride just to make sure that everything works fine and – bugger! - the bike won’t start!  Two days to go to the off and the bike’s broke.  BMW were stars; picking up the bike first thing the following morning and hey presto the dreaded “BMW broken immobiliser antenna” was fixed.

Saturday dawned cold and grey and suddenly we were off.  Hexham - Carlisle – Gretna – Dumfries and West toward Stranraer. Cold but excited we boarded the ferry.  Once across the water it was a 40-minute ride to Bangor and our first overnight.  The next two days flew past with a good day’s ride to the Mountains of Mourne, a trip to Strangford Lough and the Ulster Life museum as well as a ride through Belfast to see the sectarian wall art that was such a part of the news reports during the troubles.

Moving on from Co. Down we travelled through Armagh and Eniskillen, names of towns to avoid in the past, to a really lovely farmhouse B&B. Being based here allowed us to visit Donegal in the republic and then a ride around Lough Erne.  After only two nights we were packed and off again stopping at Omagh, riding through Straban and Londonderry to our last port of call – Portrush.  Once again we chose to stay in a farmhouse B&B – very comfortable, extremely friendly people and a breakfast par excellence. (in fact, if the landlady had had her way she’d have been piling food on us till lunch time!)

The north coast of Northern Ireland is great for a biker’s holiday, great roads and plenty to do and see; Glenariff, Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, the Giant’s Causeway and the Dark Hedges and some lovely little fishing towns where a cup of tea and seat in the sun make it all worthwhile. 

Portrush is famous for the NW200 and of course we had to go to see the famous course.  Riding in after tea on Friday evening we never expected the roads to be empty, but as they were we took the chance to line up 1 and 2 on the grid and ride the course – far slower than Dunlop or McGuiness, but it was fun nonetheless. A trip to Ballymoney is almost mandatory.

Loaded up again for our trip home we set off down the A2 from Bushmills towards Larne.  It really is a beautiful ride, especially if the weather plays its part as it did for us. It was a fitting end to our first motorbike tour.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Presentation to Mick Casey

At the February meeting Mick Casey enthusiastically received his 
IAM Certificate from Bob Brown.

Never, in my experience, has an IAM Certificate been received with such a celebration!

Bob and Mick

An audience with Dave Coates.

Local stunt rider, Guinness World Record holder, Advanced Rider and DAM Member Dave Coates gave a witty and informative talk to 35+ DAM Members at The Bowburn Hall Hotel on Tuesday evening.

Dave's informal presentation style lead the talk to areas of interest put forward by the members:

"What's your most challenging thing you've done on the bike?"
"Have you had any embarrassing falls during a show?"

were two popular themes!

Dave gave us all an in depth insight into the problems of achieving the World Record speed 151.7mph whilst  riding a stock R1 backwards, followed by 138.2mph with his wife Sandra riding pillion backwards also.

None of those listening had ever considered the impact of drop bars on their ability to reverse their seating position at 90mph or the problem of holding on to the bars backwards at 150mph!

Dave also told the tale of his not so glamorous venture into the world of movies, with the early 1980's short film adaptation of Andy Sparrow's "Bloodrunners" cartoon series.  Have a look at this youtube clip to judge the quality of the film & the riding!

A big thank you to Dave and Sandra for the talk, and sharing their embarrassing moments with us all!

First Aid Training - "First on Scene"

3 years ago DAM ran a useful training session which combined First Aid with First on Scene training.
The one day training covered the management of incidents and necessary First Aid skills for immediate care of a casualty.

The training is now due to be renewed, and Bill McCready is collecting names of those who are interested in either renewing their training or taking the training for the first time.

We are hoping to run the training on a Saturday.

Those who are interested, please contact Bill on 01325 311426 so that we can assess the level of interest.

Monday, February 21, 2011

DAM Merchandise -special offer, new logo!

New for 2011 , the committee decide to stock 3 items of merchandise for members to buy,  these are available in 'Gray' ;

H100 Henbury Polo Shirt      £14.60      sizes  M,L,XL
SA101 Fruit of loom  t shirt   £6.60        sizes  S,M,L,XL,
BB15 Cap                              £7.55  
Available Tuesday night, these prices will not be repeated, other colours and items can be ordered at new price,all orders to be paid for in advance.
see Paul Dowson at the meeting for further information.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Latest member to pass his test.

Congratulations to Mike Todd who passed his advanced test on Thursday 17th Feb.

I think Mike may have caught the weather just right! 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February Social Evening

February's soical evening sees a visit to DAM from Dave Coates.
Dave is a member of DAM, a world record holder and regular supporter of BikeWise events with his stunt show skills.

Come along to the Bowburn Hall Hotel on Tuesday 22nd February to hear Dave's presentation.

Take a look at Dave's recently revamped website to see what Dave does best:

20 years.

DAM New Year Buffet Evening

A pleasent evening was had by all at the Bay Horse in Midridge for the DAM annual New Year Buffet.
Bill McReady did us proud, yet again, with the arrangements - buffet, raffle & quiz.

The quiz honours were shared between two of the teams - both scoring 25 points and the raffle raised a total of £70 for the Great North Air Ambulance.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bang up-to-date Congratulations!

No sooner had I posted the belated congratulations to Alan and Alison than Bob Brown (one of our local IAM examiners) emailed me the latest test pass.

So congratulations to Peter Dillon from Darlington who passed last week (26/01/2011) on a horrible day - rain, rain and more rain with flying colours... His observer was Peter Harrison . 


Peter took part in a BikeWise training day in August 2010 before progressing on to join DAM and take his advanced test.

Peter received his certificate at the DAM New Year Buffet from Ali Bonar & Bill McReady.
